The passion of delleAli for the world of children born from the vital encounter with the stories and children’s literature in projects to promote reading in libraries and flows in 2004 in the show IL MIO NOME E’ ATALANTA with Alessandra Anzaghi, Giada Balestrini, Laura Valli successfully presented at the Festival “Una città per gioco” in Vimercate (Milan); then show started a national tounèe.
The second production – INA. LA FORMICHINA DELL’ALFABETO – consolidates the position of delleAli in italian youth theatre’s scene. No less vital is the interest of the company for the early childhood that leads to a reflection on the theater for toddlers (0-3 years) whose first productions date back to 1998 with PESCE PESCIOLINO and continue to this day with a dozen of shows whose COSA C’E’…? presented at the International Festival of Bologna VISIONI DI TEATRO, VISIONI DI FUTURO 2013, a show suitable for an international tour.
The last two productions are BIANCO COME LA NEVE and ADESSO BASTA!, a show that brings attention to the issue of gender stereotypes.
delleAli brings in youth theatre experience and interest in the theater sound, weaving in acting live music. The love for the interplay between the various arts leads the company to introduce in the shows live video projections and live painting.